TASP 2003 at UT Austin:
The Mystery of Creativity |
reasonably remarkable
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
(thanks adam. guess it was a momentary spell in the server.)
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
testing testing 1 2 3...works fine for me tae-yeoun. I guess you have to be on facebook to understand this post though :p
Saturday, January 27, 2007
news from monica:
Dear friends,
Apologies for the mass email, but I wanted to share good news with all of you. Just two weeks ago I started working as the Policy Advocate for Public Advocates, an incredible public interest law firm that specializes in education opportunity and equity policies.
This new position will give me a chance to combine several interests: policy analysis and legislative advocacy on education, public transportation and affordable housing issues; building the organizing capacity of Latino students, parents, teachers and organizations in Central Valley communities; and serving as the organization's spokeswoman with Spanish-language media.
I am now based out of Sacramento, and hope that we can stay in touch and possibly collaborate in our work. My new contact information is below.
Best wishes to all of you!
Un fuerte abrazo,
Mónica Itzel Henestroza Policy Advocate PUBLIC ADVOCATES, INC.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Okay. Earthquake in Taiwan messed up our phone and internet servers, and blogspot would never load. I'm now in transit in the Inchon airport in Korea, where this blog was created back in 2003.
First things first: Happy 2007, guys, and
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY EUNICE! (that was supposed to go up on JANUARY 4.)
About a week ago I had a dream that I ran into Brian Schultis at a New Haven Thai restaurant. Brian, where are you?
One of my several new year's resolutions is to call/write you guys more often. I love you guys - I always have.