TASP 2003 at UT Austin:
The Mystery of Creativity |
reasonably remarkable
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Hey folks, The New Journal vol. 39., No 5. just did an article on Tasp called Paradise Lost with interviews from our dear Jacob and Tae-yeoun. I can't seem to find the article on line (there may be a problem with the website) but it discusses how Tasp gave us all very high expectations for college intellectuality, and most of us have been let down by that great and nebulous thing called life. So, what did everyone think of monasticism for those six weeks so long ago? Also, Tae-yeoun, I laud your recent posts and continued effort-
Where will people be going this summer?
wow, I just tried the new spell check function- its great! the thing turns blue and mispelled words show in red. I like.

all the best- 小雷
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
lifted this off a friend's blog - Eunice's home state has proposed a bill to its House of Representatives, regarding the appointment of a state poet laureate. H.F. No. 224 is entirely in rhyming verse.
"Well done, Minnesota," writes my friend.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
right, last thing i do before i pull my ethernet cable and finish what i'm working on which should have finished done two weeks ago.
for those of you do wrote primo levi papers, or are just generally interested in the muses of various Creative people, here's Mrs. Hety S:
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The CEO of Sesame Workshop gave a talk at Yale today, and commented on the namesakes of our House Meeting proposals:
"Bert and Ernie are not gay. They are not straight. They are PUPPETS. They do not exist from the waist down."