TASP 2003 at UT Austin:
The Mystery of Creativity |
reasonably remarkable
Friday, September 12, 2003
Hey guys--
The poems are up! You ought to be very excited, because over 90 pages' (Olga!!!) worth of pure poetry have now been html[ifi]ed and posted onto the webpage. My infinite gratitude to Jacob, Olga, and Alex B. for sharing their poems and trusting me with the format - please, tell me if anything needs to be fixed. Or, feel free to go in the site yourself and reformat/correct/add/censor to your taste. [special note to olga: I couldn't get the russian to show up, sorry... please check if there's anything else that needs to be censored :0) ]
I've also made the skeletons of a calendar that all of you need to help fill in. :) The calendar is here. To add events just log in under the geocities account and edit one of the following html files: july03.html, aug03.html, sept03.html, or oct03.html - the formatting's a bit messy because I'm clumsy with html (by the way alex, I finally figured out what you were talking about when you said there were errors on the page - it turns out that every html page I make has some error in it that I can't identify so it wasn't your fault at all) but hopefully you can figure it out... You may have noticed we have July and August calendars - I've revisited my notebooks from TASP and tried to reconstruct the timeline to the best of my ability, but there are still many, many holes in what I've managed to put together. So please, help me fill those July/August dates in as well...
Oh God, it's three in the morning - I think I'm slowly making my way to switching back to Texas time. I miss you all so indescribably much--
Love always,