TASP 2003 at UT Austin:
The Mystery of Creativity |
reasonably remarkable
Thursday, October 16, 2003
As much as I've tried to feign some hint of diligence (probably rather unsuccessfully) at TASP I confess now that my laziness is and has always been beyond my own comprehension. And so I'm applying something I've learned over TASP and procrastinating productively (okay, maybe not) by pestering you all with an enormous post.
Having marked Alex's birthday today (I've been doing a countdown all week) I went back to my second grade class anthology and flipped through some rather disturbing second-grade stories with such lines as: "Francis said, 'I am winning the world for me, teach me how to win the world for God.' Francis became a Jesuit missionary." (Francis Smith, 1994, Saint Francis Xavier's Adventure) and "Once on an island called Spain a lot of people lived there. A big fish had been eating the islands near Spain, like India. The big fish died." (Moritz Meier, 1994, The Big Fish that Ate Lots of Island) -- and finally to the story I'd been looking for: the submission by Ben Peskin, Alex's friend with the JNCO jeans. This story was in fact what I had sent to Alex two weeks too early as a pseudo-birthday present.
Because I really don't want to do my homework...
The Almost Miracle Lake
By Ben Peskin
The summer sun shone on Torey. She lived in the city with Fred.
Fred worked at The JMT. They had one boy named Rob.
One day Rob went fishing. He caught three big fish.
"That's a lot of fish," said Fred.
"You're right Fred," said Torey, and each of them had a big fish.
The second day Rob went fishing, but he caught a boot.
When he got home it was filled with fruit.
That night Torey told Rob, "Go down to the lake and drain out the water."
"Yes, mom," The next day Rob was going to do what his mother said when he met a turtle.
He said, "Please don't drain my pond."
"I have to," said Rob.
"Ok," said the turlte "But you won't get anything."
So Rob did it and he found nothing.
[picture of long, long turtle against a pair of cattails with a speech bubble saying 'OK']