TASP 2003 at UT Austin: The Mystery of Creativity

reasonably remarkable

Thursday, November 27, 2003
before i sleep, a bit of ammunition for eunice's threats of violence.

days since posting.
alex borinsky: 20. we all discussed your story oh-so-thoughtfully, alex. don't you even care?
tara: like 6 hours. but since you never sleep you should be posting twice as much as the rest of us.
dr. chapelle: yay dr. chapelle for posting! (p.s.: you still owe me a ddr rematch.)
aimee: 39. what, is hawaii more exciting than us?
jacob: 37. it's the break, jacob, where's your post?
jared: 3. excused from my scorn (dammit, i really wanted to make fun of santa rosa, too.)
adam: 8. how was the latin exam? did they throw money at you, or what?
mónica: never. *gasp!* mónica where are you?
olga: 3. you're still evil.
tae-yeoun: 4. the timezone thing probably makes it actually either 2 or 47.
adrian: 27. i know this is going back a ways, but i am DYING to hear more about this girl who made you turn religious. adrian? in a church?
bryan: 88. despite my repeated attempts to rile him up enough to post, our beloved colorado savage seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.
susan: 3. damn, monday was a good day for the blog.
jamie: 105. oh, come on, college can't take up THAT much of your time.
john: 8. your last post barely counts though (unlike my massive epics, it didn't take up the entire internet.)
natashia: 2. good girl.
dr. randall: never. tell us stories about your new engineering students, or we'll stop loving you.
matthew: 100. ¿dónde está tu poste, mateo? (i'd also like to know about your postre.)
brian: 28. i'm convinced you're dead of the flu.
alex yablon: 3. rock.
eunice: this inspired display of geekiness/psychotic obsession was all for you, baby. keep the blog-love rollin'.

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