TASP 2003 at UT Austin: The Mystery of Creativity

reasonably remarkable

Saturday, November 22, 2003
Dear Eunice, and anyone else who's forgotten the colors of the seat covers:

This is the best I could do.

I seem to forget the A-D-Pi house in terms of distances first - I remember still images of familiar places very vividly, but can't seem to connect the images in a coherent house; subtly at first and now progressing towards a Dali distortion, I've forgotten the number of steps in the staircases, the distance from the bottom of the main staircase to the dishwashing area, how low the ceiling of the Secret Headquarters is (Aimee! I'm not using past tense!). Forgetting these small distances makes me all the more aware of the tremendous distance between the Philippines and the U.S. and this makes me very very sad.

Okay I'm done sulking. I finally figured out when Thanksgiving was, so I get to wish all of you Happy Thanksgiving!

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