TASP 2003 at UT Austin: The Mystery of Creativity

reasonably remarkable

Saturday, November 22, 2003
Having logged on for the third time after Wednesday, I am slightly disappointed that there have not been any new entries, wondering if other people are being "stalker-ish" like me (logging on,reading, and having nothing groundbreaking to say). It almost seems as though the frequencies of entries increases and decreases in cycles--one week may have 15 entries, the next, 4. So, to break off the slump in blog entries, I've decided to drop my passive reading and "blog" if you will.
Alex Y--awesome band name; I am the second TASPer fan of your band--if you ever come out with a CD, make sure to send one to me! Perhaps we can compile a TASP soundtrack with all the other music players from TASP to go with the Tae-Yeoun's "extension" of the sixweekbook. That would be quality.
On a more general note, I feel as though the "TASP experience" is starting to slip through my fingers. I still remember every single one of you, but, frighteningly enough, I can't seem to recall the color of the dining room table seat covers. Small insignificant detail? Not at all. I think they were yellow, and striped, but my very uncertainty shows that, in the long run, I will remember less and less about TASP. So, to end my blog with a question, would someone please tell me what color the dining room seat covers were?

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