TASP 2003 at UT Austin: The Mystery of Creativity

reasonably remarkable

Friday, November 14, 2003
Hello fellow TASPers!
Oberlin has 189 Steinway pianos and one of the best NMRs in the country!
This is a sleep-deprived, half-frozen Eunice in Oberlin speaking, after a long and tedious plane flight (thank goodness it was free). Apologies for my friend's intrusion. Anyhow, a few thoughts on the Hemingway--though they will not be well formulated ( I left my copy in the airport)--
The "girl" is the one that epxresses wants, feelings, etcetc, whereas the "man" is the one that presents expository facts. (there are a few exceptions). Anyhow, the girl never physically moves beyond the bar's bead-curtained room, but the man does, so perhaps they represent two different aspects/perspectives/voices within one individual. The fact that they conflict with one another in their expressed wants ("I don't care about anything but you" "I don't care about me"), and how their arguments build off one another's, shows some internal conflict within the collective "individual." Sorry for not being able to support my points with the text. I promise to further support my point after I get home on Sunday.

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