TASP 2003 at UT Austin: The Mystery of Creativity

reasonably remarkable

Tuesday, November 11, 2003
hello from santa fe. when i flew in i switched planes in salt lake city (mormons, wtf?) and i was sitting in the terminal waiting for my plane to albuquerque and they announced now boarding on a flight to omaha and then i looked up and at that same terminal there was a flight to denver, a flight to cleveland, a flight to minneapolis and - the kicker - a flight to austin. i so almost hopped a plane to see one of y'all.

in other news i have absolutely fallen deeply madly in love with st. john's and i don't think i'm going to apply anywhere else and i think all of you would think it's wonderful and you should all apply and we'll all get in and be in freshman seminar together and it will be grand. elaboration + thoughts on hemingway tomorrow-ish.

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