TASP 2003 at UT Austin: The Mystery of Creativity

reasonably remarkable

Saturday, November 01, 2003
Our school won't let us wear costumes, so I just answered the door in pajama pants. If anyone asked, I was some pervert for Halloween. ha-
Sorry for not calling Kelsey- I should have, it was a mistake.
Oberlin? I'm applying to the school, but the weekend was a conflict with Reed (back when I thought I was going to go). My friend Verincia goes there, she used to want to be an opera singer, but I think she is looking into math and history (Caribbean and amerafrican) since there seem to be so many opera singers. ... she's got a lovely voice nonetheless. right. .. . So, Eunice, I assume you're looking into the conservatory right? What else interests you there?
O, Tae-Yeoun, I know what you mean about the no-costurme thing. I live close enough to Austin (and the West Chicago Ghetto) so that lots of kids cross over to trick-or-treat from the Oak Parkers. Most don't wear costumes, many don't even say anything, they just walk up, ring the bell, and hold a bag open goggling me (because I'm half naked shivering in 45 degree weather)... I say "do you have anything to say?" or "Can I help you" - then comes "trikatreat" and they attempt to grab a hand full of sugarfood. ha. I came across several who wanted to be gangsters or rappers, or some combination of both. .. One was a 'teenager' . all of them were in normal cloths. . I walked home today assembling a massive ball of litter, discarded candy wrappers and the like. . ave.
Well everyone, I can't type much longer because Max keeps[ iu stealingmy arms and hitting the keyboard sr(you can't see all that I've had to delete because of this chest pinching eye prodding face manipulating sideburn twistig fool) ... well I'm off to hit him now. Good luck with applications everyone- may the force be with you.

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