TASP 2003 at UT Austin: The Mystery of Creativity

reasonably remarkable

Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Procrastinating and sleeping are two of my hobbies, though I am something of a dilletante when it comes to the latter. I should be writing my English essay right now, but, "hey" I thought, "I'm from TASP, after all. 30 minutes max, right?" Wrong. So now, I indulge myself in the first of my hobbies, and, in doing so, leave less and less time for myself to cultivate the second. A horrible cycle.

I reread some of Borges yesterday for fun, thought about TASP again (thank you so much Tae-Yeoun, I now have those seats firmly implanted in my memory), fell asleep while reading the republic, and dreamt about an "ideal state" composed of TASP members inside a series of hexagonal halls. Jamie was a Guardian. The rest is fuzzy, but the very image of all of us wearing togas surfaced fond memories.

Now, it is time for me to assume a task that I should not rightly take (because I almost fit in this group myself). I demand that the people that haven't blogged at all this month (or even longer!) do so! This is not a death threat, but if there is no response, blood will be spilled...to say the least...You know who you are! Do not make me name names!!!

(It's really difficult to find a question to end with, especially after that threat--err--strong urge. I'll end my next blog with a question)

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