TASP 2003 at UT Austin: The Mystery of Creativity

reasonably remarkable

Sunday, November 23, 2003
Sorry to post twice in a row, but if you haven't checked yet Telluride Association has updated their website and the topics for next year's TASPs are out! Summary: the marks of mysterious creativeness we have left behind in Austin is now to mingle with The Invention of the Human: The Problem of the Modern Subject. Cornell is looking at He Said, She Said: The Battle of the Sexes in Medieval and Renaissance Writing and Pleasure and Danger: Bodies in History, Science, Literature, and Philosophy, and Michigan: Race, Gender, and Class in American and British History. Because I forgot to end my last post with a question, here it is: if you were to choose a seminar topic from the above choices, which would it be?

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[ recommended for discussion ]
Existentialism is A Humanism, Essay by Sarte
preface to the lyrical ballads
the trial
heidegger's what calls for thinking
When Life Almost Died (deals with the Permian mass Extinction)
elizabeth costello
the god of small things
jung's aion
foucault's pendulum
coetzee's nobel acceptance speech
faulkner's nobel acceptance speech
koestler's The Act of Creation: part one, the jester
my mother and the roomer
Tao, the Greeks, and other important things
rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead

the book of job
joseph campbell