TASP 2003 at UT Austin:
The Mystery of Creativity |
reasonably remarkable
Thursday, March 25, 2004
ack I posting twice for the first time. But hey I like to talk about this stuff. This is gonna be really lo ng and boring so read at your own risk. Anyway John, may i try to explain segregation from a sociological standpoint. Well let me say in general, vietnamese children play together because they l ive near eachother. When new immigrants come to america they tend to go near people who they can talk too-other vietnamese. If they live together, the children will play together. I met my best friend of 10 years because his family became my neighbors. Hmm I've never been to your school but from my experiences I would disagree with they way you blame the white majority. you make it seem like everyone's trying to be their friend and they're just turning up their noses. Perhaps they don't share similar hobbies, or classes, or neighborhoods. Then again I could be very wrong.
Also can I introduce another topic of discussion. Would anyone here agree with me if I said that anti-asian racism is the most socially accepted? I don't mean necessarily people going out and killing asians or something, but I mean the little things. When Shaq, an african american basketball player, was asked what he would say when he met Yao ming, he responded "ching chong wang wong" or something along those lines. Now how much press attention did that get (How many people even heard of that?). Ok now hypothetically, if Yao ming had made some anti-black statement, how much trouble would he be in? Also, if you can find me any asian living in america for at least a few years who hasn't been mocked for it at least once, and I will be damn surprised. I had a seven year old cousin ask me what a "chink" was. Do you know of any other slurs that would be thrown around at such a young age(my first experience was at age 6.)
Let's look at the media: who can name a movie star or singer or even celebrity in American pop culture who is asian, and not a martial art expert (uh yao ming, lucy liu...and let's not for get about william hung, who is now a national laughing stock). I think that there definitely is a double standard. I don't remember the name of the show, but it was a japanese game show dubbed in English. Essentially they were just mocking the people, making up their own captions(one was "so you're eating rats now"-"yes the other white meat") I thought to myself, if they were making fun of black people, this show would never fly. Now don't get me wrong, I know racism exists for all groups, but it just seems to me that some are more aocially acceptable to others. I don't claim to be 100% correct so please disagree with me.