TASP 2003 at UT Austin:
The Mystery of Creativity |
reasonably remarkable
Thursday, March 25, 2004
In both my TASP and Deep Springs Essays I talked in-depth about the second largest problem at my school (1st being no money) which was definitely segregation. I noted that all the African Americans did sit together, there was also a Hispanic lunchroom, as well as an Asian lunchroom. I blamed the problem mostly on the White semi-majority (49%) for being deliberately un-inclusive, which they certainly are, and said it seemed the self-segregation was mostly a coping mechanism for dealing with the inherent discrimination of the social system.
So my question to Susan, or Bryan, or anyone else is, do you think that you self-segregate because you are somehow even slightly pushed away from others, or because you are pushing others away? Or am I way over simplifying?