TASP 2003 at UT Austin:
The Mystery of Creativity |
reasonably remarkable
Monday, April 19, 2004
How was everyone’s break?
I went to Atlantis, got really tanned, and met a very nice English girl named Emma.
Olga, tell the dude who wanted a 'white' cultural club that he'd probably have better luck if he called it "European Heritage Club" or something more pc.
Everything has to be pc. It is the hub, remember that.
Matt and John, I kinda want to say "I'd love to see you two together," but I have, and I don't think you came to blows. It'd've been funny though.
(It'd've: It would have, and yes, I talk out loud as I type)
As I told Olga, I'm not the biggest fan of Zionism.
Though I don't have time to write it out in full, here's a great and partly relevant story... I was talking to this girl Le'or (that's how it sounded at least: Lee ORE ) from Seattle, while on vacation. We got in this huge argument about US foreign policy and imperialism and then religion and then foreign policy again. Y'see, she had only lived in Seattle for three years, the rest she'd spent in Israel.
What does everyone think of the assassination of the dude from Hamas? Im rather pissed that the US won't condemn this sort of thing. Israel doesn’t want peace, they want peace on their terms, and that's not what negotiation is about. If the US wasn't backing, the Israelis wouldn't be half as bold as they are. Stupid George, I can't stand that man.
On the note of the middle east, Spain has pulled out. I hope more of the Europeans follow suit. Our death count (Amerkans that is) is only like 700-something for the whole endeavor, so not all that many hearts have been broken, but, but, I say this shouldn't be happening at all. No one knows how many Iraqis have been killed?
Adam, your mom's' funny as hell. I think all parents do that "you are bad but try and be a good example" thing. Right now, mine are petitioning me to wear underwear. It's getting pretty rough. I get the opposite about mingling with the white folks though. We were in Nassau over break and one of the condo sales men hollered at some random girl from the street to talk to me (part of a complex effort to get my parents to listen to a time-share presentation) and I didn't talk to her all that long. Thereafter, every time I talked to anyone at the resort my mom was like "O, so you didn't talk to that pretty little Bahamian girl but you're all over the white girls." Among us darkies, I'm pretty sure there's a social stigma attached to assimilation and such, so yeah, it's the opposite motivation of you're mother's talk, but motion towards the same ends and through similar methods. ha.
As far as the dressing and acting right, its not just your mom.
John, I visited your website. It is brightly colored, and if anything I must commend your enthusiasm. Politically, I know I will always vote in favor of whichever politician is friendliest to the environment. That for me is the simplest and most accurate indicator. Good luck, and "make a difference in the South Dakota special election June 1." ...idunno, I read a little about the fire fighters too. noble stuff.
Well, if you'll all excuse me, I put off a research paper for six months (me so smart), and if I don't analyze the data statistically and write all tonight, I don't compete this summer.