TASP 2003 at UT Austin:
The Mystery of Creativity |
reasonably remarkable
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Matt, matt, matt, I can't let you get away with that one. Saying free-trade policies are good for immigration and "immigrants" is like saying that the first true people to encourage american immigrations where the ones who kidnapped slaves off the west african coast. There is a big difference between what is good for "immigration" (the influx of people and cultures) and "immigrants" (the equal opportunities to the american dream, ending racism and discrimintion, fighting stereotypes). Granted, I do usually overlook how amazingly racist a lot of Democratic constituents seem to be the so called "blue color worker." Btw, when did "anti-zionist" become become racism? Zionism, as I get pelted with D batteries by the many jews who read this blog, seems to me to be inherantly racist itself. Anyway, I would say the point I mostly disagree with you on is that you say neither major party is anti-immigrant, and ulitmatley I think both are. Though, in policy on the hill, I would bet 20 bucks that Democrats are better for immigrants by a long shot.
This post is comming out angry sounding, possiably because I just got back from 3 hours of canvassing for John Kerry. Everytime someone laughs at me when I ask them if they would like to register to vote, I lose a little more faith in democracy.
As for the funky red dictionary, I have two. The first has my name spelled wrong "Richard Oxens-Reams" the second is right, but I'm thinking about telling me they gor it wrong again, because they're nice dictionaries. And no, not UNL this next year, instead it's little sister, UNO. Even worse. But this is only until next fall when I reaply to deep springs.
And on an even lighter note, me and a few friends set out to drive to O'neal for St. Patty's day but our car sorta broke down 30 miles out of lincoln, and I ended up in Aurora the whole weekend! And stay tuned, I will be anouncing the route and dates for my cross country roadtrip soon, and I'm sure O'Nealwill be on it.