TASP 2003 at UT Austin: The Mystery of Creativity

reasonably remarkable

Tuesday, April 20, 2004
No, Alex, for the record - as long as the record isn't my mother's - I didn't run into ANY trash cans EVER. I did run straight into the back of another car, even though I had to tell my mom it was a trash can. I took the exam last month without really knowing how to drive because it's the Philippines and I don't have to do a road test and still I failed it. It is a sad, sad story my friends will never stop teasing my about.

But, just because I failed the written exam, I get to make fun of it. Some of my favorite [actual!] questions:
"Getting a driver's license is
(a) a right
(b) a privilege
(c) an honor"
"When caught driving under the influence of alcohol, the penalty is
(a) P2,500
(b) P25,000
(c) P25,000 and a one-year term in prison"
"When driving down a highway, you see produce being dried on the road. What should you do?
(a) drive slowly and go around the produce
(b) run over the produce
(c) stop and confront the sellers"
"When you feel drowsy while driving, you should
(a) pull over at the nearest stop and take a short nap
(b) panic and hit the brakes
(c) take marijuana" (<-- this one my friend told me about, I didn't actually see this question on the test I took)

What happens on 4/20?

I'm in the library trying to motivate myself to start studying for my IB exams. But as all my exams - except Art, which is next week - are ALL crammed into the FIRST week of May, I really don't see any point. Misery.

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