TASP 2003 at UT Austin:
The Mystery of Creativity |
reasonably remarkable
Saturday, April 10, 2004
yes, 'full-blooded' hawaiians exist, but they are rare.
The blood quantum thing is pretty poorly defined right now- The limit is 50% to be eligible for Hawaiian Homelands (free or greatly discounted land from the gov.) but I think the hawaiian delegate was arguing for 1/32 to be sufficient.
Selon surveys, something like 10 in 11 hawaiians disapprove of the idea of blood quantum in general- a drop is enough. But then again, when the surveys are broken down, the voting varies with the popuations poled, e.g. the full or nearly full hawaiians think there should be a higher blood quantum, those who are but 5% cry No NO! No blood quantum by ethical principle!
It is all very confusing and very silly. To me it's racist. (though i'd get beaten with a stick here for saying it)
As for your other post- i agree- we underestimate our differences. When I went to school with Kelsey i was shocked the moon to see all of the crraaaaazy san francisco-ans co-learning in a manner quite unlike ours here. Just somehting to keep in mind when postulating arguments- My "It's like when..." or "You know how.." statements aren't quite as relevant as I assume them to be.. :0)
and sooorry about never being there on aim- when my mom signs on to Microsoft outlook AIM automatically connects, i haven't yet figured out how to change the settings so that this doesnt occur...