TASP 2003 at UT Austin:
The Mystery of Creativity |
reasonably remarkable
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
I spent the past week or so laughing at people who had to take IB Chem and/or Econ this week, and after a while it lost meaning. Utter unproductivity feels really good except that these little chores manage to pop up all the time and although they're not very difficult to do (i.e. returning my library books) I don't do them and in the end I start feeling guilty about them.
One of these 'little chores' was the sequel to the yearbook I proposed in like November, thought about every now and then till now, but never did any work on. You'll get this in your emails and possibly in your actual non-virtual mails sometime between this week and whenever I leave for Korea, but, it would be really really nice if everyone can have a page (or more) to fill. It could be a photo collage, your latest masterpiece, doodles, or just a blurb - anything that reflects in any way what you've been up to this almost-year out of TASP. Olga, for example, (sorry to single you out) has done some "soul striptease" for a class, and might be willing to share some excerpts. :)
I'd prefer these to be in digital form, and if they are you can email them to my 6-mb-as-opposed-to-hotmail email, avellyne@yahoo.com. If it's easier for you to mail the hard copies, you can send them to the Philippines and risk having them arrive either forty years later or last Wednesday, or maybe I can work something out with my sister who's in the States right now but whom I'll eventually see this summer. I'll get back to you on that.
Besides the individual pages, I had some sketchy half-formed ideas of additional fillers, which I'll try to organize within the next few days. Suggestions are, of course, welcome if not expected. Anyway, one of these pages I half-thought of was a questionnaire page, sort of like those annoying email forwards that make you answer a handful of random questions before you forward it to your fifty billion acquaintances or risk a lifetime of misery. Now, I added a tagboard to this blog (to the right, under the list of our names) just so we could start suggesting questionnaire items before I mail them out to people to answer. I'm not sure how this would work, but I promise you now that if it gets too annoying / in the way of our actual blog posts, I'll take the thing off immediately.
Well, hopefully this is a start. Updates later when I'm more on top of things.
So while I wrote this massive post I found the
Cornell TASP blog, which I hadn't realized had moved last September despite everything Kelsey tells me - I kept checking the old site and assumed they all stopped blogging - and fished out whatever they've been saying about us behind our backs. My two favorites:
This is a question that's plagued me for months on end, one that I hope to see resolved shortly:
in due consideration of how damn good looking we were last summer -- was there any sex at TASP?
(hey, -someone- had to ask it.)
I've heard there was some, ah, sketchy business at the UT Austin TASP, and given that there were no fewer than thirty two of us at the House...
y'know, the Texas TASPers seem to post to their blog a heckuva lot more than we do. That's sorta peculiar and depressing.