TASP 2003 at UT Austin:
The Mystery of Creativity |
reasonably remarkable
Thursday, May 20, 2004
So a buncho of things that I've been meening to post, but havn't had time to because I'be been working 60 hours a week for John Kerry and donating my weekends to stephanie herseth.
1st. Eunice is the most amazing piano player ever. I wish everyone could have attended the mandatory tasper attendance piano recital in the wonderful state of Minisota.
2nd. Both Matthew, and earlier Alex, are extremely right that we are much more reasonably remarkable than any other people that I've ever met. Certainly at least 10x more reasonably remarkable than cornell tasp ever could have been.
3rd. I talked to some taspers from years prior to mine (97 and 96) who, after comparing notes, said our tasp was smarter, harder working, and much "cooler, socially you know, hipper" than there's were.
4th. Anyone who lives in the midwest, DC area, Chicago, Colorado, or California, or will be in any of these places on memorial day weekend, needs to come see me in South Dakota. There is a special election on June 1st to elect a really amzing woman named Stephanie Herseth to congress, and the Democratic party (specifically Kelcey's own Nacncy Pelosi) needs volunteers. Thousands of volunteers are being bussed in from most all of the country, with free food, travel, and accomidations. As well as an amazing free party on election night. Much more, it's a really really nice hotel we stay in, and a really great cause.
-MANDATORY tasper reunion attendence please. Besides Aimee, Tae-Yeun, and Brian S. who get travel waivers (no busses from Hawaii, Korea, or Clevland) and Matthew who I remember being the only "out" republican. Maybe Olga too, but I think olga would like stephanie herseth. www.speakerpelosi.com/sd if you want to go. If you do actually sign up for a bus (as a few of you better, like Eunice and others who I know are free, and who don't have that long a drive) use "richard ream" as the name that refered you so you end up in the same hotel as me.
5. Well this is too long alread, though I will say this. Expect a huge suprise that everyone will love and which some might even think would make me almost as cool as Tae Yeun. Actually not even close, but it rhymes with "shmaleeted bersion of dah rockblumentary