Only silly questions have answers.
Has anyone else just felt a resounding "No?"
I'll admit that there are beautiful things vast and deep, small and delicate. The sky over the ocean or a seed, but like Alex, feel that they are simply impersonal and appear to be substances doing what substances do. Fog is beautiful, but not to fog. To people.
Good quote, Tae-Yeoun. Probably Good book, Alex. Haven't we all attempted to order a light back on as it blinks out, or a deflating bike tire to reinflate? We have of notions about what "will" can do in the universe despite daily disproof. Watch an episode of Wind and Cloud or Power Rangers and you'll see, for instance, how universal the desire to be able to blow things up at will is. I would just like to say I enjoy reading everyone else's perspectives. Whenever you're alone measuring fish for six hours as part of humanity's grand effort to name everything, you really get the feeling that the ideas in your skull are obviously going in the right direction. But everyone here, I feel, beautifully illustrates how people don't feel or live, and thus think, the same.
Theory: Alex 1 feels a resounding "YES" and Alex 2 does not feel a resounding "YES" because both strategies and both biochemistries have permitted their parents to breed. -though this works, I'll bet it is dissatisfying for some of you. I agree, but can't disagree with it. Does that make sense? It makes sense, I suppose, to feel that God is what maintains the laws of Physics as "Laws." That his ever-presence is what keeps existence existing... but that still, to me, feels like a "NO" because it didn't actually answer the question, it just gave you a different word.
It is "God" = It is "I Don't/Can't Know so Don't have an answer for why..."
Every answer leads to a question, and every question can be extended to the precipice and the void, that great unseeable gray horizon of "I can't know this." Close your eyes for a second and feel how existence (our existence inside our heads) is surrounded on all sides by ignorance. touch it. Taste it, with your lips and tongue. Lift your hands and feel it an inch beyond your finger tips.
I for one envy. It is my sin and my suffering, and so deeply is it in my blood that I'll likely die before I can let it go. I envy those who can ignore a question, or answer it “satisfactorily,� or be happy somewhere in the middle. especially the last one, since they didn't have to try.
We think by feeling, what is there to know?
Only silly questions have answers.
Happy Collective Birthday, Everyone.