TASP 2003 at UT Austin:
The Mystery of Creativity |
reasonably remarkable
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Susan and Boston TASPers, know you're on break but just wanted to let you know we had the jjazang bap today - thanks again. :)
Saturday, March 26, 2005
 Here is a statement:
"Think Therefore Am"
I should not be implied. "I" arises from a body. right?
I Think so.
Let's not suffer too much. Do you all imagine the sea ever wants to stop lapping? That the sun ever longs to stop shining? Do any of you look at trees and see how hard they try? To Believe or not to Believe. ha. wants something to die for, to make it beautiful to live.
 Cassowary Mother
 If this arrangement sounds felicitious
Friday, March 25, 2005
I think one of the things that Adrian and I have long had in common is an interest in our room mates' sexuality. My room mate this year is a large, freckled jock from Highland Park, TX. He'll be starting quarterback next year and is 'sort of a big deal'. Anyway, Bill once told me this story warning how one of his big friends on the team had 'woke up in bed with two girls he didn't know. He realized they had raped him!' He became earnest out of genuine concern for me and himself and all members of the stronger gender. He said 'a guy has to be careful, he's gotta watch out for himself.' So his anecdote caught me off guard. Did this mean our footballers were as weak and timid off-field as on it? Was their braun more an inducement to "SURPRISE!" lust than a shield against it? hmm... I've been thinking about all of you a lot this week, trying to think myself out of Princeton. just finished all the midterm stuff tonight. (I'm putting the book on my list John) It's great to know Jacob's reading, because now I have someone with whom I can discuss cows, seriously. Anyway, here is a thefacebook.com message exchange from this week about you, Jacob. In it I seduce a clever boy. Notice the effect of dropping the name 'Jacob Eigen':
Hey Hey, how was break. I see you went to St. Ann's; do you know Jacob Eigen? Alright, yay for facebook.
Re: Hey This is the first time I've written a message on facebook. I have to admit, I'm a bit excited. I'm a pretty huge Jacob Eigen fan and, more importantly, have always equated you two in my mind under a similar subject heading. Not sure what that subject heading is but take it as a complement. break was fun. I went to dublin. Anyways, I think it would be an intelligent move to associate in a social capacity. If this arrangement sounds felicitious, call me at _________.
I equate you all under a similar subject heading.
Your love is different from mine. What I mean is, when you close your eyes, for that moment, the center of the universe comes to reside within you. And you become a small figure within that vastness, which spreads without limit behind you, and continues to expand at tremendous speed, to engulf all of my past, even before I was born, and every word I've ever written, and each view I've seen, and all the constellations, and the darkness of outer space that surrounds the small blue ball that is earth. Then, when you open your eyes, all that disappears.
I anticipate the next time you are troubled and must close your eyes again.
The way we think may be completely different, but you and I are an ancient, archetypal couple, the original man and woman. We are the model for Adam and Eve. For all couples in love, there comes a moment when a man gazes at a woman with the very same kind of realization. It is an infinite helix, the dance of two souls resonating, like the twist of DNA, like the vast universe.
Oddly, at that moment, she looked over at me and smiled. As if in response to what I'd been thinking, she said, "That was beautiful. I'll never forget it."
- Banana Yoshimoto, Helix
Art is being in love with the idea of being in love, guys, and when you read Banana Yoshimoto, you actually believe that.
Monday, March 21, 2005
Boston TASPers, thank you so much for the package. We were on spring break for the past two weeks so I only got it this afternoon, and while it looks like Olga's gorgeous cookies have expired they are in cookie heaven in Tae-Yeoun's sentimental hemisphere. I love you guys to pieces.
Now everyone can go back to talking about rape.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
I suppose rape is giving our blog the burst of energy it need. Anyway I live on an engineering floor, and we always talk about rape with respect to our classes:
"How was the chem?" "It was like a prison film, and you have a 3 hundred pound roommate named bubba."
"What'd you think about physics" "I'm having trouble walking..."
So that's how my year has been going. I thought that that was somewhat relevant.
Since we’re talking about rape, I’d like you all to think of the old McDonalds slogan (have it your way).
That said, here's something funny- So my roommate Dan is a fairly attractive dude, he plays badminton, works out, and leads a youth group, and besides being really active in his church, is waiting till marriage. For this he suffers. You can hear him hang up the phone after talking to a girl and ask aloud “why do I even have a penis?�
God doesn't appear to answer him, but Eli, our other roommate, does. It's rather funny.
Anyway, this chick from church really likes Dan. alot. She has switched into his youth group from another, joined the badminton intramural team (though she’s terrible at it) and beyond joining all of his other extracurriculars has done something that Yalies aren’t really supposed to do--switch residential colleges--and soon will be living on the fifth floor of our entryway. Dan has tried talking to her, but it doesn’t appear to work; It's like yelling at a parakeet for chewing up a pencil--it understands that you’re unhappy, but not why. Anyway Eli and I have a solution for Dan other than taking advantage of her; He needs to tell her that she’s fat and that he’ll only go out with her if she exercises off 60 pounds. After that she'll either hate him, be attractive, or die. Um…or maybe some combination of the above. …he doesn't want to say that yet, but I think if she weren't, um… robust, he'd be more receptive to her, since they used to be friends. Anyway, good times.
labor quote in reaction to Eunice's labor quote post:
(upon reading Eunice's labor quote aloud) Tae-Yeoun: "On rape, I had a friend who once said, 'You know, I don't like to call it rape, I like to call it, surprise sex, you know, like, SURPRISE!'" Roomate: "God, Tae-Yeoun, who are your friends? (dramatic pause) And more importantly, does he have a brother?"
Labor quote from my roommates:
Roommate 1: So have you told him you like him? Roommate 2: I'm subtlely revealing my intentions without resorting to rape.
Back to essay #2 and Goldberg Variations (1955 version--not the senile, wisely reflective 1981). Hurrah for Bach and Glenn Gould (and apparently Bryan as well).
Saturday, March 19, 2005
It's been said before, but I just want to put it in a large font:
Olga, thank you for your voicemail message and the wonderful pi story! I can't quite call you back now because it's too late in the night and you're probably sleeping / having a Saturday night and I have one bar left on my phone battery and I have to save that for tomorrow morning as I drag myself up to New Haven because I'm in New York right now from having gotten back from a wonderful (warm) and internetless, phoneless break and am too lazy to take the midnight train back.
A special shout-out to Bryan, because I listened to the Brandenburg concertos on the plane where we got randomly upgraded to business class - yay! And yay for Bach and Bryan.
Hope everyone's breaks were at once relaxing and exciting!
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
I'm here, for what it's worth Bryan. And ditto on the happy birthdaying for Olga.
Just finished "What's the Matter with Kansas?" which I think any midwesterner should be required to read. Actually it's pretty good for everybody, but it is more sentimental for us midwestern liberals, and more convincing to midwestern conservatives.
Matt, I'm talking to you. Read the book.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
ha... im first to say happy birthday olga...
Saturday, March 12, 2005
where is everyone...?
sigh... where is everyone...?
i decided that since i checked this so often and don't say anything but am incredibly tired of seeing NOOOOOOOOOOOOOTHINGGGGGG that im going to post random things unless you guys start saying SOMETHING!!!!! stupid freaks
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Aimee et al, speaking of Jon Stewart. also this and this.
Those are links to my college democrats blog which is chock full of Jon Stewart stories. We're working on getting him to Omaha, so congrats on naturally being where cool people are Aimee.
In other news, midterms this week, spring break next week. ConLaw is sort of like memorizing every page of a book, and then writing that book again for the test. Sort of like, actually, what I meant is that's exactly what it is.
Spring break for me is a camping trip. Where? you may or may not ask? Well I can't tell you, cause we don't know. The plan is just to start driving south, and when it's warm enough to camp out, camp out. So that means somewhere probably between northern Oklahoma and souther Texas. In fact, we may end up staying in Austin with my relatives there. Taspers are all certainly invited if they happen to be on spring break as well.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Counterbalancing Bryan's optimism (I told you it wouldn't last!) - I ventured out of my room today and died. You know it's bad when the forecast, which has previously fooled me with cutesy euphemisms like "wintry mix," wants to use the adjective "icy."
Monday, March 07, 2005
stop whining... you don't know what cold is you yalie... we harvardians must deal with far worst things. i, for one, ended up nearly running into a pole because i had my head down to keep the wind from hitting my face. just consider... my children might not have ever had the opportunity to go to tasp...
only several more weeks before spreing bpeakdj
Friday, March 04, 2005
hey folk! I just went to the most amazing performance: Jon Stewart live on campus! Guys, the man is a genius- i kept on thinking about Jared's pubspeak about humor, and how much skill this show took- & he just kicks so much ass! because he can not only express thoughts that I have so much trouble communicating, and he's hilarious about it. ok well enough god worship on that one. Other news= I'm going to be staying Ithaca over the summer with some cornell friends and a girl from back home- Beautiful Ithaca, all summer long! I work in this awesome lab, so I'm just gonna up the hours in the summer. So obviously I extend an invitation to all of you to come visit, but also, I'm gonna have a few weeks at the beginning to trekk around- a few tasperly visits? anyhow, getting late and sleeeepy. G'night intellectuals. :)
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
I used a photocopier today and thought of Brian. I closed the lid. :)